Friday, March 2, 2012

No. 1- Dead Poets Society

Film: Dead Poets Society

Starring: Robin Williams, Robert Sean Leonard, Ethan Hawke

Directed by: Peter Weir

Released: 1989

I first saw this movie...

Why I love it...
There is no film, and possibly no piece of artistic expression of any genre, that has impacted and inspired me more than Dead Poets Society. It simply inspires. To create, to love, to follow dreams, and to make your life extraordinary.

I love the way it's shot. Simply and delicately. Even from its opening scenes, including a gorgeous candle shot with the title. The fact that it's filmed in beautiful Delaware doesn't hurt either.
The characters are so vibrant. I like that these young men are realistic characters and can easily be compared to so many young adult males I've known. I often challenge people upon watching it for the first time to figure out which of the boys I am very much like (feel free to try yourself, most don't get it).
The acting is flawless. Robin Williams is one of the greatest performers film has ever known and this is without a doubt his greatest work. He gives the film its heart and soul. Ethan Hawke & Robert Sean Leonard also deliver amazing performances. They each have several scenes that literally will take your breath away, just because they are so sincere in the delivery and approach.

But without a doubt the best thing about this film and what has made it so inspiring to me is its message.
"Carpe Diem- seize the day! Make your lives extraordinary!"

Monday, February 27, 2012

No. 2- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Film: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Starring: Jim Carrey, Kate Winslet, Tom Wilkinson

Directed by: Charlie Kaufman, Michel Gondry

Released: 2004

I first saw this movie...

Why I love it...
I remember vividly the night I first watch Eternal Sunshine. I was at home, having rented the film. I watched it late, I think it ended just past midnight. And most of all I remember the feeling afterward. I believe the greatness of a movie is most shown by how changed you feel, how affected you are emotionally after watching it. And this movie hit me harder than anything I knew.
It's different, to say the least. The storyline is a bit bizarre, the cinematography is gorgeous and interesting (many camera tricks that Hollywood usually would use CGI for are just blocked out), and the characters are so real it's scary. At some points you are tickled, at other points you are holding back tears.
What makes this movie so wonderful is its insight into the human heart. Every emotion is present and raw.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

No. 3- The Shawshank Redemption

Film: The Shawshank Redemption

Starring: Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman

Directed by: Frank Darabont

Released: 1994

I first saw this movie...
Circa 2000

Why I love it...
It's a Stephen King book- that should give you promise right there. It's beautifully filmed- the cinematography is classic and pure. And one under-rated element is the music. It's subtle but perfectly complimentary to the rest of the film.
Most of all, it's the acting. The performances by Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman are some of the best film has ever seen. Tim Robbins is such a quiet, patient artist. He never tries too hard- because that's when an actor becomes the actor, no longer the character. And his soft demeanor is so perfect for the lead character of Andy. And I don't think anyone needs convincing of the legend that is Morgan Freeman. I would definitely say this is the movie that set him apart and made him the icon he is today.
It's a film about hope. It's about life. It's even about faith, if you understand it correctly.
It's one of those movies that changes you.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

No. 4- The Empire Strikes Back

Film: Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

Starring: Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher

Directed by: Irvin Kershner

Released: 1980

I first saw this movie...

Why I love it...
A couple of days ago was Valentine's Day. I was asked by a few people throughout the day to give my favorite romantic film. And without any hesitation, each time I answered The Empire Strikes Back. And without fail, each time the person looked surprised followed by confusion.
There's a lot to love about this film. It may very well be the best sequel of all time. This also is the introduction to many iconic characters from the Star Wars saga: Yoda, Boba Fett, the emperor, Lando Calrissian, etc. It is the world's first real glimpse into the deeper teachings of the force. C-3PO is absolutely hilarious in this one. And it features one of the best light saber duels.

But the reason I love it so much is the romance. The storyline between Han and Leia takes it from a great movie to one of my all-time favorites. There's some classic dialogue that will always have a place in my heart ("You like me because I'm a scoundrel"). And I'm sorry but the exchange of "I love you" and "I know" will never stop being awesome.
I love this movie.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

No. 5- Super 8

Film: Super 8

Starring: Joel Courtney, Elle Fanning, Kyle Chandler

Directed by: J.J. Abrams

Released: 2011

I first saw this movie...
2011, Cine-Capri

Why I love it...
This is by far the most recent film on my list- and is strong at #5. This may surprise and confuse a few, but I have no hesitation. First off, you have the genius of J.J. Abrams- who is quickly proving to be even stronger in his movie pursuits than his claim to fame (television's Lost). The guy has a unique vision and executes it quite beautifully. And then you have the cast of young teenagers. They're solid actors and give a great performance. They're funny and genuine. They remind you of kids you went to junior high with.

But why I love this movie most is its ability to gently touch each person's heart- no matter who they are or where they come from. How? With its innocence. Everyone was a kid once and everyone relates to the simplicity, the excitement, the heartache, the ambition- everything that meant you were a teenager.
And it has, in my opinion, one of the more romantic lines of any movie: "I'm just doing the best I can to save you"

Monday, February 13, 2012

No. 6- Little Miss Sunshine

Film: Little Miss Sunshine

Starring: Steve Carell, Toni Collette, Greg Kinnear

Directed by: Jonathan Dayton, Valerie Faris

Released: 2006

I first saw this movie...
2006, theater

Why I love it...
There's a lot of goodness going on here. It's a flawless cast, the soundtrack is awesome, and the humor is smart and simple. But the reason I love it and the reason I always recommend it to people is because it's a more realistic look at families. Cause people are bizarre, especially within their own families. This movie doesn't exaggerate imperfections, though it's not necessarily the average family clan. I'm not suggesting every family has a gay uncle, an opinionated cocaine user for a grandfather, and a son who has taken a vow of silence. It's more how they all interact with one another- with equal amounts of love and sarcasm. Odd as it is, this film truly reminds me how much I love my family.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

No. 7- Good Will Hunting

Film: Good Will Hunting

Starring: Jodie Matt Damon, Robin Williams

Directed by: Gus Van Sant

Released: 1997

I first saw this movie...
Circa 2001

Why I love it...
I think this movie is so good and so classic, that it kind of gets a bad wrap. But if you look at it with an open mind, it's pretty phenomenal.
The acting is superb- Ben Affleck doesn't even do that bad. And Robin Williams- full beard and all- is incredible. The writing, famously penned by Damon & Affleck, is witty and intelligent without losing sight of the heart of the story. The cinematography is unique and interesting and the music delivers (see: Elliott Smith). What more could you want from a movie?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

No. 8- Contact

Film: Contact

Starring: Jodie Foster

Directed by: Robert Zemeckis

Released: 1997

I first saw this movie...
Circa 2001

Why I love it...
It seems to happen every time I suggest watching this film with a friend who has never seen it- they're turned off it because they're not interested in seeing a Sci-Fi movie. But then I have to explain that, though there are science fiction themes, it's really not about that at all. And that's why I love this film: it's about a woman's journey to understand and find faith. That's a bold subject to tackle, and difficult to make appealing to the masses. But it's so skillfully pieced together and Jodie Foster's performance is powerful. She carries so much passion in the right moments. I don't think I've ever watch the scene at the end where she's declaring her newfound faith without having my heart swell up inside of me.
Also, who would ever think that Matthew McConaughottie could be in a great movie? And not even ruin it too!

Monday, February 6, 2012

No. 9- The Village

Film: The Village

Starring: Joaquin Phoenix, Bryce Dallas Howard

Directed by: M. Night Shyamalan

Released: 2004

I first saw this movie...
2004, in theaters

Why I love it...
The night I saw this movie- opening weekend- I had absolutely no desire to see it. In fact I had been forced into it with guilt. I had been losing interest in Shyamalan's films and so no hope of this movie changing my mind.
What I didn't realize, and what I think all of us were unaware of, was Shyamalan's intention to make a movie that was so much supernatural but rather a movie about human beings.
I've said it once and I'll say it again- The Village might be one of the best romantic movies out there. It's a little cheesy, what with its 19th century speech, but that also gives it the innocence you love in a love story. Joaquin Phoenix is amazing in this film, subtle and delicate with each piece of performance. And Bryce Dallas Howard is definitely at her best. One could make a great argument that hers is one of the better female film performances of the decade.
I walked away from that Harkins theater feeling so much more appreciative of love and life.
It's just that kind of movie.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

No. 10- Big Fish

Film: Big Fish

Starring: Ewan McGregor, Albert Finney

Directed by: Tim Burton

Released: 2003

I first saw this movie...

Why I love it...
This movie taught me how to love. It's romantic, it's dramatic, but it doesn't take itself too seriously. To me, it's Tim Burton's masterpiece.
But what really carries this movie is the protagonist, Edward Bloom, and the incredible performances by Ewan McGregor and Albert Finney- each portraying Bloom at different stages in his life. They each have this perfect charm that radiates in the tall tale atmosphere of this film.
And it's probably the only movie I would quote in a serious conversation multiple times. It's just got some heavy hitters.

"There's a time when a man needs to fight, and a time when he needs to accept that his destiny is lost-
 the ship has sailed and only a fool would continue. 
Truth is... I've always been a fool."

Monday, January 30, 2012

No. 11- Dan In Real Life

Film: Dan In Real Life

Starring: Steve Carell

Directed by: Peter Hedges

Released: 2007

I first saw this movie...
Circa 2009

Why I love it...
Steve Carell in a movie that is both hilarious and heartfelt, centered around his family- it was inevitably going to be great.
I don't know what it is about Steve Carell but he's really great at being the guy you get. Cause he seems to get you.
There have been lots of times in my life where I would sit down to watch this because I needed to outwardly see something that resembled what I was feeling inside. I don't think there's anyone who can't identify with the struggle to try and be a good person, work hard, and bring up good kids while also trying to be happy and a little selfish with your own needs. And it gives me hope that things will work out, just maybe in a messy way.

Friday, January 27, 2012

No. 12- Return of the Jedi

Film: Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

Starring: Mark Hamill,Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher

Directed by: Richard Marquand

Released: 1983

I first saw this movie...

Why I love it...
I suppose it had to stress George Lucas out when attempting to wrap up his masterpiece. But the guy had a vision and his work in Jedi is superb.
Why? There's a lot of memorable characters found exclusively in this one- Jabba the Hut, the Ewok nation, and, though he did make a short appearance in Empire Strikes Back, the emperor proves himself to be one of the most terrifying villains ever created.
But what sets this film apart from the other Star Wars and other movies in general is the true gem in the story from a galaxy far, far away: Darth Vader. He is indeed scary, intimidating, and a force to be reckoned with. But in Jedi you see so much depth and conflict. George Lucas to a character that was already so memorable for being evil and gave him a heart. I really do think that Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader) is one of the most interesting and compelling fictional characters ever created, and most of the evidence is found in this film.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

No. 13- O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Film: O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Starring: George Clooney, John Turturro

Directed by: Coen brothers

Released: 2000

I first saw this movie...
2001, road trip

Why I love it...
George Clooney and the Coen brothers is a match made in heaven. Their humor is perfectly complimentary and when you throw in actors like John Turturro, Holly Hunter, Tim Blake Nelson, and John Goodman- you can't go wrong.
But my favorite things about this movie are simply how different it is from most movies from the last few decades. The humor is witty and even sometimes harsh. The storyline is like a more realistic tall tale. And the music, bluegrass traditional songs, is one of the best soundtracks out there. I love this movie cause it makes me laugh uncontrollably about things that are simple. They didn't ruin the film by trying too hard- it is what it is. You try doing that with a modern adaptation of a Homer classic.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

No. 14- Groundhog Day

Film: Groundhog Day

Starring: Bill Murray, Andie MacDowell

Directed by: Harold Ramis

Released: 1993

I first saw this movie...

Why I love it...
It's Bill Murray at his finest. The movie is Bill Murray. His absurdity, his sarcasm, and his mix of harsh egotism & heart.
When pitching the movie, the writers of the film were always met with one concern from studio execs: How will the audience not get bored with the repetiveness of the story's events? Their answer was simple and so true: Bill Murray is so incredibly talented that he can make a single moment funny and entertaining in hundreds of ways. And once again, you can't undervalue a movie with good quotes ("Yes, but my father was a piano mover, so...").

Monday, January 23, 2012

No. 15- The Burbs

Film: The Burbs

Starring: Tom Hanks, Rick Ducommun

Directed by: Joe Dante

Released: 1989

I first saw this movie...

Why I love it...
I've had many people tell me they didn't like this until they watched it with me.Why? What is it about this movie that maybe the casual or first time observer wouldn't appreciate? Not really sure. I mean you've got Tommy Hanks at his best- the comical, ridiculous Hanks that I've missed these last several years. You've got Rick Ducommun, one of the least appreciated comedic actors of the 80s and 90s. And you've got a hilarious, outlandish storyline that fits right in your community. There's just something about a film that doesn't take itself too seriously.

Friday, January 20, 2012

No. 16- Fiddler on the Roof

Film: Fiddler on the Roof

Starring: Topol

Directed by: Norman Jewison

Released: 1971

I first saw this movie...
2005, friend's house

Why I love it...
I get that not everyone enjoys watching musicals, especially film musicals. And I'm not going to try and convince anyone of changing their opinion- I know it's not for everyone and that's fine. But with that said, I still think Fiddler on the Roof is a film that no one can deny is incredible.

First I should mention how riveting and memorable the music is. And especially when you have a performer like Topol providing the voice for Tevye- you can't go wrong.
But, again, aside from the music and dancing and all those other things that turn people off of musicals- the story is phenomenal. You have arguably the most interesting fictional character ever, Tevye. You have the themes of religion and values, along with the social dilemma of politics and adaptation to the modern world.
How can your heart not be plunged into this story when you look into the weary, conflicted eyes of Tevye as he's just sung of what he sees as the heartbreaking loss of a daughter?
It's epic. There has never been another movie like it.

Monday, January 16, 2012

No. 17- Inception

Film: Inception

Starring: Leonardo Dicaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Directed by: Christopher Nolan

Released: 2010

I first saw this movie...
2010, in theater

Why I love it...
I don't think I need to explain how incredible this film is.
You've got a perfect cast, especially in Leo Dicaprio. You have one of the most brilliant scripts and concepts in many years. And they do this amazing balancing act with brilliant creativity and heartfelt sincerity. It's just interesting to me how out of this world the storyline is, but how absolutely relatable the characters are.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

No. 18- That Thing You Do

Film: That Thing You Do!

Starring: Tom Everett Scott, Tom Hanks

Directed by: Tom Hanks

Released: 1996

I first saw this movie...
Circa 2001, at home

Why I love it...
It's a very Tom Hanks movie. He wrote it, he directed it, he produced it, and stars in it. And who doesn't love them some Tom Hanks, amiright?

On top of that, it's got two things that never get old:
First, coming from a background of music and playing in bands, I really do enjoy the accurate portrayal this movie has of 4 guys playing music in a band. The relationships within it, the fun, the repetitiveness- it's all there and realistic.
Second, it may be the best movie for funny quotes. And that may not seem like much, but anyone who has seen that movie knows the joy of quoting it in regular conversations with friends and another person picking up on it. It's Tom Hanks doing what he does best- bringing people together.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

No. 19- Shaun of the Dead

Film: Shaun of the Dead

Starring: Simon Pegg, Nick Frost

Directed by: Edgar Wright

Released: 2004

I first saw this movie...
2004, drive-in theater

Why I love it...
Simon Pegg is a pretty unique actor. He's incredibly funny and can actually act, so he really packs a punch. But mostly it's how likeable he is on the screen. And combined with the humor and timing of Nick Frost, it's more entertaining than most films coming out right now.
And I like that though it has a comedic take on the horror genre, it's still a really great horror film. No Halloween is ever complete without a viewing of this film. It's got the darkness and fun that we all love about the holiday.
Above all else, it displays why Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now" will always rock.

Monday, January 9, 2012

No. 20- Scott Pilgrim VS The World

Film: Scott Pilgrim VS The World

Starring: Michael Cera

Directed by: Edgar Wright

Released: 2010

I first saw this movie...
2010, in theater

Why I love it...
I went into this movie minutes after being told it was terribe and that it made you hate everyone in it.
But the first moment you hear that 8-bit Universal Studios theme, you knew you were in for something special. Michael Cera rubs some people the wrong way, and I get that. But this movie is perfect for people that are like that. Cause the truth is, Scott Pilgrim isn't a great guy. He's real- flaws and everything. Then there's the great references to Nintendo, comics, rock music, anime, and everything else I have too much knowledge of.
The best part about this movie though is the fast pace it has. It's not a movie you casually watch the first time in the background. No, you have to give it your full attention to truly understand how great it is. It's hilarious and witty and awesome.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

No. 21- Edward Scissorhands

Film: Edward Scissorhands

Starring: Johnny Depp, Winona Ryder

Directed by: Tim Burton

Released: 1990

I first saw this movie...
Circa 1990, in theater

Why I love it...
It's romantic, it's funny, it's artsy. Johnny Depp gets a lot of talk of how great of an actor he is and how diverse his characters are, blah blah blah. Yeah, he's great but where he reaches that level of epicness is this film. He brings Edward such a subtlety and tenderness, you're instantly drawn in. And definitely the most under-rated character of any movie would go to Peg, the mother figure of the movie. She's so heart-warming and incredibly funny. She perfects the film.
It's Tim Burton's masterpiece, classic Burton through and through.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

No. 22- Stranger Than Fiction

Film: Stranger Than Fiction

Starring: Will Ferrel, Maggie Gyllenhaal
Directed by: Marc Forster

Released: 2006

I first saw this movie...
2007, friend's house

Why I love it...
I was convinced for a long time that I would never enjoy a Will Ferrel movie. I had been forced into too many nights of sitting watching the same movie (with different titles/occupations to add variety I guess). But then this little gem came along and blew my mind.
It's offbeat and clever. Some of my most favorite quotes come from this film, which just goes to show the fun that each character provides. And Ferrel actually gives a really solid performance. There are a couple moments where I have to catch my breath from the sincerity in his voice and in his eyes. And it has given me a newfound fondness for giving flowers as a romantic gift.

Monday, January 2, 2012

No. 23- Walk The Line

Film: Walk The Line

Starring: Joaquin Phoenix, Reese Witherspoon
Directed by: James Mangold

Released: 2005

I first saw this movie...
2005, movie theater

Why I love it...
It doesn't matter if you're a Johnny Cash fan- this movie will touch your soul. The man's life just seems universal to me. His struggles, his successes, his pride and his humility. And he's got the music to support it through. The acting is really solid and the soundtrack wonderful. I can't think of anything I don't love about this movie.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

No. 24- Jerry Maguire

Film: Jerry Maguire

Starring: Tom Cruise, Renee Zellweger
Directed by: Cameron Crowe

Released: 1996

I first saw this movie...
Circa 2005, on TV

Why I love it...
Cameron Crowe is a clever guy- take a great chick flick but throw in football and Cuba Gooding Jr so the guys will love it too. And I'm not always a fan of Tom, but he pulls out everything you do love in this one. And yes, the "you had me at hello" line is classic but Tom's monologue leading up to that is superb.